University of Southern California
NIH Funded Training Program
BME MS Program
Radiology Residency Training Program
BME Courses
Summer Undergrad Internship
Lab Meetings, Seminars, and Workshops

NIH Funded Training Program
Biomedical Imaging Informatics Training Program

IPI has been awarded a five year training program by the National institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIH entitled: “Biomedical Imaging Informatics Training Program” effective September, 1, 2005 – August 31, 2010, totaling about US$ 1.6 millions. The PI and Co-PI are Dr. Huang and Dr. Khoo. Overall, the training program was a success with new researchers trained in imaging informatics within the Radiology program as well as in academia and industry.

Program Description

The program will consider the following four categories of applicants:
- USC radiology residents and fellows
- USC Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. students
- USC MD/PhD Program students
- Post doctoral fellows from other institutions.

Biennual NIBIB Training Grantees Meeting

Every two years, NIH training grant recipients and program directors from across the country meet at Washington, D.C. area. Trainees can use this opputunity to present their research posters, socialize with their peers from other programs, and attend educational seminars. Training program directors are also invited to share their experiences and to give seminars on their program research.

IPILab, as one of the Imaging Informatics training programs receiving NIH funding, has been invited and featured prominently in the 2006 and 2008 meetings.

Copyright 2005-2013.  Image Processing and Informatics Lab, 1042 Downey Way. Denney Research Center (DRB) 264 Los Angeles, CA 90089-1111   Phone: 213.821.8395 Fax: 213.743.2962