University of Southern California
About Us
IPILab Profile

The Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory (IPI) is located at 1042 Downey Way. Denney Research Center (DRB) 264, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1111

Our research facility includes PACS Simulator, Fault-tolerance Server, Data Grid, PACS workstations, CAD servers, and connections to two clinical PACS.

Reseach topics include:

  • Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis
  • Data Grid and Image Archival
  • Imaging Informatics Technology
  • PDA Application in Clinical Environment
  • Radiation Therapy Informatics
  • Clinical Workflow Model
  • CAD - PACS Integration Toolkit
  • EPR for a surgical environment
  • Multimedia ePR for Rehabilitation
  • eFolder for Multiple Sclerosis Decision Support
  • Spinal Cord Injury Pain Classification

IPILAB UPDATE: Congratulations to Dr. Ximing Wang!
March 7th, 2017

Congratulations to Dr. Ximing Wang! He just passed his Ph.D. defense in Biomedical Engineering, USC on March 2nd, 2017, with his PhD dissertation, “An Intelligent Workflow Engine Informatics System (IWEIS) with Knowledge Discovery Tools for Imaging-Based Clinical Trials”, which is a critical breakthrough in the imaging informatics field.

IPILab has moved to USC Park Campus
October 16th, 2014

We have moved from our previous location in Annenberg Research Park to within the Department of Biomedical Engineering on the USC University Park Campus, in the Denney Research Center Building. Our new location helps to create a more convenient research and learning environment, which encourages more collaborations and sharing of ideas with other research groups in our BME department. We welcome you to visit our new laboratory and offices at:

Denney Research Center (DRB) 264
1042 Downey Way
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1111
Telephone: 213.821.8395

IPILab Update: RSNA 2013
August 20th, 2013

The IPILab have 4 abstracts accepted to RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) 2013.

The list is as follows:
Web-based DICOM-SR Viewer for CAD data of multiple sclerosis lesions in an imaging informatics-based eFolder
Authors: Brent Liu, Kevin Ma, Jeff Zhang

An open source, rich-client web application for visualizing DICOM RT data
Authors: Brent J. Liu, Ruchi R. Deshpande, David Clunie, John DeMarco, Jorge Documet

Web-based neurological pain classifier tool utilizing Bayesian decision theory for pain classification in spinal cord injury patients.
Authors: Sneha K. Verma, Sophia Chun, Brent J. Liu

An imaging informatics-based system with a novel intelligent workflow engine to support rehabilitation clinical trial research
Authors: Brent Liu, Ximing Wang, Clarisa Martinez, Carolee Winstein

We would appreciate your interests in our topics.

IPILab Update: RSNA 2011
August 24th, 2011

IPILab have 10 abstracts accepted to RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) 2011, as well as two abstracts from our collaborators.

The list is as follows:

  • Extending Imaging Informatics beyond Radiology: A Web-based Multimedia System to Improve Decision Support through Movement Analysis of Elite Athletes [Educational Exhibit]
  • Clinical Experiences and Challenges from the Implementation of a Zero Footprint Mobile DICOM WADO Display Solution for Smartphones and Tablets [Poster]
  • A Novel Multimedia Electronic Patient Record (ePR) system to Enhance the Workflow, Accuracy, and Management of Various Types of Image-assisted (IA) Surgery [Computer Exhibit]
  • Data Mining Utilizing DICOM RT Objects for Knowledge Discovery in Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer.[Poster]
  • Spatial Normalization of Lesioned Brains: Impact on fMRI Region of Interest Analyses. [Poster]
  • A Comprehensive Online Imaging Informatics Systems for a Large Scale Clinical Stroke Rehabilitation Trial.[Computer Exhibit]
  • An Automatic Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Tracking Tool for Longitudinal MRI Studies. [Educational Exhibit]
  • Evaluation of Stereoscopic 3D Digital Mammography on Lesion Assessment and Confidence Levels: A Preliminary Study [Poster]
  • A Dynamic Online Radiology Directory and Request Queuing System to Increase Efficiency and Enhance Clinician-Radiologist Communication Workflow. [Poster]
  • A timeline widget correlating MRI lesion load and EDSS parameters in a large cohort for MS patients. [Computer Exhibit]

Tow abstracts from Collaborators:

Maria Law, PhD, Hong Kong University :

  • The Efficacy of Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) on Radiation Side Effects and Quality of Life in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy [Poster and Presentation]

Anh Le, PhD, University of Florida:

  • Automatic Treatment Plan Evaluation Utilizing a Web-based Electronic Patient Record (ePR) System and a Computer-aided Evaluation (CAE) for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Plans [Poster]

We would appreciate your interests in our topics.

News Archive

Last Updated: 2022-08-19

Copyright 2005-2013.  Image Processing and Informatics Lab, 1042 Downey Way. Denney Research Center (DRB) 264 Los Angeles, CA 90089-1111   Phone: 213.821.8395 Fax: 213.743.2962